Woah, it’s 2012!

In the case that you’ve been under a rock for the last couple of days, I have an announcement: it’s 2012!

…this is a pretty ironic picture being that I started my “no junk food” diet on the first…lol

So far so good for this year, I must say. I have spent the first few days with little sleep, lots of reading, playing video games, writing, and preparing for the return of college classes. Yes, my friends, I have been a bum. I do have exciting news though — very exciting news!

Already in 2012 I have been able to cross something off of my bucket list! Wootcakes! This morning I checked my email just to be informed of pure awesomeness. I now have 32 blog subscribers for EastCoastInsomnia (3 overnight)! This specific blog is for my poetry, and really has become my main source of attention over the last couple of months. If you are interested in this form of art, please feel free to check me out! (:

Thank you for all of your support in the last year and I hope to have more posts soon. Apologies to all who may feel abandoned and thanks to all who have supported me in my transition to what I truly love: my poetry. I hope that this year is tremendously successful for everyone, and maybe this will be the year that my writing truly takes off. (:

Stay awesome.

New Year’s Post (a little late)

Is it crazy that it took two days of sleeping recovery before I could get to this post? — I think so too.

Friday, I spent my day with the cousins, playing the Wii,  making guacamole, eating lentils and greens, and just being awesome. As lovely as this day was, it just continued to get better. Around 7:30, Derk, Ryan, and Taylor, picked me up to go party at Shaina’s.

Not going to lie, it started out like any other time that we hang out there: Wii, food, and Catch Phrase. It was only the beginning though! The group had the wonderful idea of playing Man Hunt at 11:20pm, guys vs. girls, in a distance covering two streets. Sounds like fun eh? Well, Taylor and I volunteered to “supervise”, so as the girls went to hide, and the guys were planning their strategy, we took hold of the flashlight and walked around to make sure no one was getting murdered or “getting into trouble”.

We had been out there for around 20-30 minutes when one of the guys ran up to the house, saying that everyone needed to get inside; someone was threatening the group with vicious dogs and a gun (not in hand, mind you). Long story short, we got everyone in but my brother, of course. Things escalated. Apparently, my brother was surrounded by a group of people, neighbors were out of their house and angry, drunken tales of looting, boating, and treasure hunting arose, and it wasn’t looking good.

Without going into the major details of the entire situation, it took 30 more minutes to get everyone safely inside. I’m not going to lie, it was scary having my brother and close friends out there, negotiating with those under the influence; with a guy who had already shot 8 people (according to him).

Oh, memories! When everyone was safe, we belatedly wished each other a “Happy New Year”, and broke out the sparklers. After 5 or 6 packs of those, we headed inside to watch a movie, “How to Save a Life”. After the movie, we broke out the cards and played Spoons, 8 of us anyway! Of course, by this time, most of us had completely lost our sanity! Thanks to my insomnia rampant, I was doing just fine at 4:00am!

Somewhere around 5am, we headed home to sleep until noon (Taylor and I, at least). We then spent the rest of our day running errands, and hanging out.

Needless to say, the 14 people that I spent this time with, all played a part of making 2011 memorable already! I suppose I should go ahead and thank the drunken man and woman, although I am not too thankful for their part played. ha

Here is me wishing all of my readers an absolutely wonderful new year! May you embrace all of the change, and live your life in such a way, that you will be able to look back on 2011, and smile. (:

New Year’s Eve Post

Where has this year gone?! It seems like just last month we were welcoming in 2010! I suppose I better embrace it quickly, eh?

My New Year’s Eve day is being spend with my awesome cousins, and then tonight will be spent “partying it up” with a group of close friends. Needless to say, today is a good day! Whether it be watching movies, spending your time with loved ones,  hanging out with friends, watching the ball drop, eating amazing food, whatever — I hope you welcome in 2011 with lots of laughs.

I am sure you can expect to hear more about my wonderful night, tomorrow, after all is said and done; until then, feel free to share with me how you plan to greet the new year. (: