Pumpkins, Pick-Up Trucks, and Purple-Colored Elbows.

Tuesday was a lot of firsts: November 1st, first time carving pumpkins with David, first time having to go to the hospital…

Yep, that’s right, this clumsy child finally fell into the hands of inevitable fate, also know as my cement driveway. Before I get ahead of myself, I should probably start from the beginning.

Tuesday morning I got out of class and was happily greeted by my boyfriend when I got home. We had plans to spend the entire day together; it was set. He came baring gifts of pumpkin spice, and I was a happy little bird.

After chilling and being lazy for a few hours, we decided to go into town and pick up a couple of pumpkins to carve. We happily chose two pleasantly small cuties to hack into. After doing so, it was time to decide what we’d carve on the front. David chose to carve an angry bird, while I chose the Twitter bird. (:

We are nerds, we know.

Fun times vomited from our day. We were pretty typical and made sure that each other’s arms were covered with pumpkin guts — fun stuff. After that we started our project of birds. All sounds good, right? Right, then comes my brilliant idea.

After we finished being awesome, we thought it would be fun to destroy them. Who doesn’t enjoy smashing pumpkins? (And no, that wasn’t an indirect plug for the band. lol) While David thought to use a bat (or something similar), I thought it would be more fun to climb in the bed of his truck and just chuck them at the cement below. It was fun indeed. Our carved beauties became pumpkin pieces on my driveway. Everything still sounds fine, right?

Right, that was until I decided to get out of the bed of the truck. 18 years of clumsiness finally caught up with me, sending me through the air and onto the concrete, elbow and forearm first. Ouch. I have never had to go to the hospital before, and I was trying to keep that record for as long as possible, but the odds were definitely stacked against me.

After me realizing that the pain wasn’t going to cease any time soon, and that I was no longer able to fully extend my arm, we decided to make a trip to the ER. This is where I saw a side of David that I had never seen before. He was more worried and anxious than I was; he wasn’t voicing this, but rather making me laugh and trying to keep a smile on my face. Although he couldn’t keep a nurse, who clearly didn’t know what she was doing, from hurting me, he was sure to speak for me when I was in too much pain. He was the perfect boyfriend.

After x-rays, a sling, a bill, and over an hour later, we were ready to pick up a movie and head home. For the rest of the night he helped me do things that I couldn’t do by myself: type up my homework for me, get stuff around for class the next day, take care of my ice packs, move the recliner to another room so I could sleep in it, put sheets on the recliner, get extension cords and all of my electronics out by my chair, etc. After that we stuck in a movie and relaxed for the rest of the night. I definitely have the best man alive.

Oh, and for anyone who is wondering, my arm didn’t break or even fracture! Woohoo! I was left with bruising around the bone of my elbow and sore muscles. So, I should be good to go in a few days!

As you could see, lots of first, and despite all of that pain, it actually turned out to be a pretty good day. (: November is my favorite month, and this was quite the interesting beginning, but it gave me a chance to be silly, experience the horror of hospitals, and to be reminded how much I am loved. Over-all, I’d say that things are looking pretty good.

My best friend just happens to be my boyfriend. (:

Whether it be practically living in Books-A-Million, singing and dancing like idiot in the car, or making nerdy trips to the aquarium, David and I always find a way to have fun. Our newest love is going grocery shopping together. Sounds silly right? Well, we seem to make it pretty exciting stuff.

Sunday we had the brilliant idea to get dinner from Wal-Mart, instead of a fast food restaurant. Before you get the idea that we intended to go home and cook this dinner, let me correct you. Our goal was to find dinner, ready to eat. This was an absolutely hilarious feat.

Of course at the beginning we went straight for the Lunchables, but before we knew it we were scanning every aisle to meet unknown cravings. We looked crazy. Hand-in-hand we strolled through Wal-Mart, laughing and having a blast. Here’s what we left with:

Cap’n Crunch, two tuna salad packets, provolone and cheese pinwheels, a Baby Bottle Pop, milk, Vitamin Water, and a set of metal spoons. lol
David with his Cap’n Crunch and milk, straight from the bag! lol

 We sat in the parking-lot while we ate our romantic Wal-Mart dinner. It was at that moment when we decided that it would not be the last time that we dined at such an exquisite place. 😛 He’s my absolute favorite, and I couldn’t imagine being without him.

Random things I have learned as of late:

  • With seven people staying in one home, you can easily go through a dozen-and-a-half eggs within two days.
  • Pickup Sticks is not a fun date game when both you and your boyfriend have nerve damage in your hands.
  • Strawberry muffins can instantly become “gluten-free, blended baby muffins”.
  • I may die of cardiac arrest the day I don’t have to share a bathroom with someone; my little heart just won’t be able to take the excitement.
  • Life is a process of constantly forgiving and being forgiven yourself.
  • Once you claim a pet as your own, the family will give up any responsibility, until there is something good they want credit for. lol
  • I share my boyfriend with another lady; he was her’s first. Beside that, how could I ever compete with her gorgeous black and white fur?
  • I have the blessing of the Candy Land gods, while David, the boyfriend, does not.
  • Darth Vader may be the funniest thing to ever hit Twitter with a glowing, red lightsaber.
  • Having a boyfriend who works at Starbucks is heaven on Earth. He is my favorite drug dealer.
  • I love me some Origami.
  • One of my favorite things to do is listen to jazz with my boyfriend. Also, to spend hours in a book store it him. We are class-A nerds.
  • Jazz music has a way of instantly relaxing me.
  • If David likes the pink fuzzy socks that I am wearing, he will ask to try them on, and never return them. lol
  • College classrooms are freezing when people don’t show up for school.
  • There are only so many hours in the day, and homework seems to consume a good number of said hours.
  • Best friends can still be best friends after they start dating.
  • When it comes to marine biology, I am far more of a nerd than David.
  • Perfection is over-rated.
  • Makeup isn’t always necessary, especially when you add night classes to the mix.
  • My boyfriend is adorable in a scarf.
  • Fluorescent lights seem to suck the brain cells from my body.
  • Sometimes happiness is pain.