Final Post

As you might have noticed, I haven’t posted anything since January 3rd! D:

The truth is, I have turned my focus to my poetry on East Coast Insomnia. I have finally reached the point where I have a constantly growing audience for what I love: creative writing. Aside from the poetry, however, I do take time to just talk about life, similar to what I would do here.

So, as terribly sad as I am to make this announcement, this will be my final post on Her Softly Spoken Heart. I have loved every minute of this blog, and it helped me through so much along the way. The truth is, some of my best advice is woven throughout this blog, so I am going to happily leave it up for browsing.

What I would like to do now is to invite you to visit, and then hopefully join, the happenings of East Coast Insomnia. It truly is the rawest version of myself that I can give right now.

If this blog has ever made a difference in your life, or even made you stop and thinking about the things around you, I encourage you to comment and let me know. I would love to hear from you guys!

Thank you for the consistency and support that you, my readers, have given to me; it truly has meant the world. I hope and pray that you all do well in life, and that there would be happiness all around. Feel free to contact me any time.

Mucho love-o,
Brittany Rose

Be happy or be sad, whatever it is, just be.


“It’s okay to not be okay.” -Joe Hill 


   This is something that Pastor Joe (my youth pastor) had said to me many, many months ago. Needless to say, I write everything and anything down that hits me hard–as you might have already noticed. Anyway, it just got me thinking about how we don’t always have to act like things are “fine and dandy”. Who said that we have to have some perfect exterior? Anyone who is a human should know that perfection doesn’t exist anyway, so why are we spending out time lying to not only ourselves, but others around us?

Before you run with this, I am not saying to go yell all of your problems to the world. No, I am not saying that you should over-whelm your friends with your mionor complaints. What I am saying however, is that there is no need for a front. Pretending to be something, that you obviously are not, will get you nowhere.


  Be happy or be sad, whatever it is, just be.

Today is the day…

Well, as I have informed you before, today is the day that my best friend is moving. After making the plan of not balling our eyes out, we broke off the plan and said goodbye. ):

I know already that things are going to change, but I also know that I won’t even begin to realize the majority of the change until after a week or two. Oh joy.

Well, I just wanted to fill in the blog world about my interesting day/change in life. I am sure you will hear much more about this subject after a while though…